Category Archives: EG 1 MW and Larger – Resources
Resources for embedded generators of 1 MW and larger (not SSEG)
Guide for Municipalities on Assessing EG Applications 1MW and Larger
Provides step-by-step guidance for municipal Distributors regarding assessing applications 1MW or larger, including regulatory aspects, technical standards, necessary documentation etc.
Connection and Use-of-System Agreement for EG 1MW and larger
Template Generator Connection and Use-of-System Agreement which municipalities can customise for their own purposes. The document flags areas of customisation, although municipal technical and legal departments should check relevance of all sections for their situation. Based on the City of Cape Town agreement.
EG 1MW and Larger – Application Form
A generic application form for EG 1 MW and larger, which municipalities can customise as necessary. It draws on the Eskom equivalent application form dd 1 October 2022.
Renewable Power Plant Grid Code Compliance Test Guideline
Guideline and reporting templates for Renewable Energy Power Plant Grid Code Compliance testing (Rev 3.0) by the Grid Code Secretariat
Technical Standard for the Interconnection of Embedded Generation (Cape Town)
Cape Town’s standard for the interconnection of embedded generation (City of Cape Town)
Recommended Practice for Grid Code Compliance Studies for RPP and Hybrid Power Plants
Recommendations for simulation studies as part of Grid Code compliance for Renewable Energy Power Plants and Hybrid Power Plants (P13906). MPE.
George Municipality Guideline for Electricity Development Charges (DRAFT)
This document sets out the Guidelines in determination of Development Charges (DCs) in respect of electricity supply for George Municipality. It includes coverage of cost-sharing between customers for network assets, including consideration of NRS069 “Code Of Practice For The Recovery Of Capital Costs For Distribution Network Assets” DRAFT.
Development Charges Policy for Engineering Services for the City of Cape Town
Sets out Cape Town’s policy regarding recovery of costs associated with developments, including electricity infrastructure, such that portion of the capital cost of such infrastructure that is attributable to particular developments is recovered.