Category Archives: Low Income

Information and analyses on the business case potential of SSEG in low-income areas.

Low and mid income SSEG PV model

The spreadsheet model evaluates the impact on municipal revenue and household electricity costs if a low/mid-income household invests in a grid-tied rooftop photovoltaic (PV) system. The model compares household electricity costs for two scenarios called ‘Without SSEG’ (without a rooftop PV system, i.e. the default) and ‘With SSEG’ (with a rooftop PV system) (Conway and

October, 2019
All municipalities

The financial case for rooftop solar PV in low-and-mid income households in South Africa (Modelling)

This report describes, in detail, a spreadsheet model that evaluates the impact on municipal revenue and household electricity costs if the household invests in a grid-tied rooftop photovoltaic (PV) system and identifies areas of potential which could improve the financial case for LIHH & MIHH without unduly prejudicing municipal income or requiring significant subsidisation (Conway

October, 2019
National doc
1 mb

Low and Mid-Income Grid-Connected Solar PV Approaches: Discussion Paper

This discussion paper assesses the potential for Small-Scale Embedded Generation (SSEG) rollout in the mid- and low-income household sector in South Africa, and provides recommendations on feasible approaches (Urban Econ, Sustainable Energy Africa, and Sustainability Institute Innovation Lab, 2018).

January, 2018
National doc

Low and Mid-Income Grid-Connected Solar PV Approaches: Presentation

Presentation on the background case study assessments, socio-economic profiling, and financial cost-benefit analyses undertaken as part of the feasibility study regarding Small Scale Embedded Generation (SSEG) rollout in the mid- and low-income household sector in South Africa (Urban Econ, Sustainable Energy Africa and Sustainability Institute Innovation Lab, 2018).  

January, 2018
National doc
